Tuesday 8 November 2016


There are various stages and types of spontaneous abortions

FIG 1.1. spontaneous abortion


1)            Spontaneous abortion/miscarriage: A pregnancy that can be  ends with the  spontaneously before the fetus that has reached a viable gestational age.

2)            Threatened abortion: Bleeding through a closed cervical os during the first half of pregnancy. The bleeding is often painless, although it may be accompanied by mild suprapubic pain. On examination, the uterine that has the size is appropriate and also for gestational age, and the cervix is long and closed. Fetal cardiac activity can be detectable if the gestation is sufficiently advanced.

3)            Inevitable abortion: When abortion is pending, there may be increased bleeding intensely painful uterine cramps, and a dilated cervix . The gestational tissue can  be often  to be felt or by the visualized through which the internal cervical operating systems.

4)            Incomplete abortion: When the fetus is passed, but significant amounts of placental tissue may be retained, also called an abortion with retained products of conception. On examination the cervical os is open, gestational tissue may be observed in the vaginal/cervix, and the uterus is smaller than expected for gestational age but not well contracted. The amount of bleeding varies but can be severe enough to cause hypovolemic shock. Painful that cramps that are to be often present.

FIG 1.2. spontaneous abortion

5)            Complete abortion: When an abortion occurs and the entire contents of the uterus are expelled. More than one-third of all cases are complete abortions. If a complete abortion has occurred, the uterus is small and well contracted with a closed cervix; slight vaginal bleeding and mild cramping can be present.

6)            Missed abortion: Refers to in utero death of the embryo or fetus prior to the 20th week of gestation, with prolonged retention of the pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding that may be used may be used to occur, and the cervix is usually closed.

                                                              FIG.1.a. infertility

7)            Septicabortion: An abortion accompanied by fever, chills, malaise, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and frequently purulent discharge. Physical examination that may reveal tachycardia, tachypnea, lower abdominal tenderness, and a tender uterus with dilated cervix. Infection is usually due to staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative bacilli, or some Gram-positive cocci. Mixed infections can also be encountered. The infection may spread, leading to salpingitis, generalized peritonitis, and septicaemia.

FIG 1.3. Abortion due to miscarriage

A miscarriage refers to the loss of a pregnancy and is estimated to occur in 15 to 20 percent of all pregnancies. Most miscarriages occur during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, though they can occur later on in the pregnancy.

FIG 1.4.Miscarriage abortion

Understanding Different Stages of Miscarriage

                                                 FIG.1.b. miscarriage infertility

There are different kinds of miscarriages that can occur at different stages of your pregnancy. Depending on the type of miscarriage, different signs may be noticeable, and different treatments may be necessary.
FIG 1.5.stages of miscariages

Chemical Pregnancy

A chemical pregnancy is a very early miscarriage which can occur before a woman even learns that she is pregnant. With chemical pregnancy, an egg is fertilized, but dies shortly after implantation, so a heartbeat is never identified. Recently, more chemical pregnancies have been diagnosed as a result of pregnancy tests that allow earlier results.

FIG 1.6.chemical pregnancy

Most chemical pregnancies result from chromosomal abnormalities in the fertilized egg. There may be no signs of a chemical pregnancy. Most women simply begin to bleed around the time of their next period, though their period may arrive a few days late or be slightly heavier.

FIG 1.7. pregnancy normal levels

Blighted Ovum

Also known as anembryonic pregnancy, blighted  ovum  occurs very early in pregnancy, often before a woman even knows that she is pregnant. Blighted ovum occurs when a fertilized egg attached to the uterine wall, but an embryo does not develop. Women may feel signs of pregnancy, 

                                               FIG.1.1.a. Attitude success of infertility

but when a doctor performs an ultrasound, he or she notices an empty gestational sac or cannot confirm a heartbeat. After a blighted ovum, women can miscarry the pregnancy or schedule a dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure, in which the woman’s cervix is opened and her uterus scraped.

FIG 1.7.Blighted ovum

Missed Miscarriage

With a missed miscarriage, a fetus dies early in pregnancy, but the pregnancy tissue is not expelled by the woman’s body. A woman who has experienced a missed miscarriage, also called a missed abortion, may continue to feel signs of pregnancy if the placenta still releases hormones, or she may notice signs of pregnancy fade. Some women may experience some vaginal discharge and cramping, but many have no symptoms of miscarriage. Sometimes the body will dispel the fetal tissue, but other times, a D&C procedure is necessary.

FIG 1.8. missed miscarriage 

Threatened Miscarriage

A threatened miscarriage refers to vaginal bleeding that occurs during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Other symptoms of threatened miscarriage include lower back pain and abdominal cramps. Threatened miscarriages do not necessarily mean your pregnancy will end in a miscarriage.

FIG 1.9. Threatened miscarriage

If you have experienced unexplained bleeding during pregnancy, your doctor will want to perform an examination. In a threatened miscarriage, the cervix will remain closed. However, if an examination reveals the cervix has opened, a miscarriage is much more likely. Threatened miscarriages can be frightening, but it is important to note that around half of threatened miscarriages result in a live birth.

                                       FIG.1.c. Attitude success of infertility

Inevitable Miscarriage

Inevitable miscarriage refers to unexplained vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain during early pregnancy. Unlike threatened miscarriage, an inevitable miscarriage is also accompanied by dilation of the cervical canal. Bleeding is also heavier and  abdominal cramps  more severe in an inevitable miscarriage. The open cervix in an inevitable miscarriage is a sign that the body is in the process of miscarrying the pregnancy.

FIG 1.10.inevitable miscarriage

Incomplete Abortion

An incomplete abortion is often accompanied by heavy vaginal bleeding and intense abdominal pain. An incomplete abortion, which is also called an incomplete miscarriage, is also characterized by an open cervix and the passage of the pregnancy. Patients may pass some of the pregnancy tissue, or an examination may observe evidence of tissue passage. All the products of conception have not been passed, and an ultrasound may still detect some tissue in the uterus.

                      FIG 1.11.incomplete abortion

Complete Miscarriage

A complete miscarriage refers to a miscarriage in which all of the pregnancy tissue is expelled from the uterus. A complete miscarriage, which is also called a complete abortion, is characterized by heavy vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, and passage of pregnancy tissue. With a complete miscarriage, the bleeding and pain should subside quickly. Complete miscarriages can be confirmed through an ultrasound.

                                                   FIG 1.12 complete miscarriage


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